Ingredient or Component Part
Exempt: wheat, corn, milo, soybean, sunflower seed used to produce these crops; feed for beef or dairy cattle, sheep, and hogs;
ground grain for chickens in a poultry or egg-laying operation; food for aquatic plants and animals (fish); baler twine, baler wire,
and bale wrap which is used on hay that will be resold or used in a livestock production operation.
Taxable: bedding plants and seeds for a home garden; or food for pets and pleasure animals.
Consumed in Production
Exempt: insecticide, herbicides, fungicides, fumigants, germicides, pesticides, and other chemicals used in growing agricultural
crops for resale or used in the processing or storage of fruit, vegetables, feeds, seeds, and grains; antibiotics, biologicals,
pharmaceuticals, vitamins, minerals, and like products which are fed, injected, or otherwise applied to livestock for sale; off-road
diesel fuel, oil, and oil additives consumed by farm machinery and equipment; LP gas for agricultural use.
Taxable: insecticides and the like purchased for use in a home garden; antibiotics, vitamins purchased for pets or pleasure
animals; fuels, oils, for passenger vehicles, vehicles tagged for road or highway use, and all-terrain vehicles (ATV).
Propane for Agricultural Use
Exempt: propane used to operate farm machinery and equipment.
Taxable: propane for non-agricultural purposes, including but not limited to, barbecue grills, campers, RVs, passenger vehicles,
vehicles tagged for road or highway use, and all-terrain vehicles (ATV).
Farm, Ranch, or Aquaculture Machinery and Equipment
Note – to qualify for the farm, ranch, or aquaculture machinery and equipment exemption, the machinery or equipment must
be used exclusively in farming, ranching, or aquacultural production. Farming or ranching includes the operation of a feedlot,
nursery, or Christmas tree farm, and farm or ranch work for hire. The exemption applies to the rental, lease, or purchase of the
machinery or equipment, as well as the parts and labor purchased to repair or maintain the machinery or equipment.
Exempt: combines, discs, farm tractors, harrows, hay balers, irrigation and milking equipment, planters, plows, tillers, qualifying
work-site utility vehicles (see Part C instructions), and precision farming equipment.
Taxable: air compressors, tanks, passenger vehicles, vehicles tagged for road or highway use, all-terrain vehicles (ATV), barn
ventilators, building and electrical materials, bulldozers, garden hoses, grain bins, hand tools, lawnmowers, silos, water and gas
wells, welding equipment, and any equipment that becomes a part of a building, facility, or land improvement.
Prevention of Soil Erosion
Exempt: seeds and tree seedlings, fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, germicides, pesticides, fungicides, and services, purchased
and used for the purpose of producing plants in order to prevent soil erosion on land devoted to agricultural use.
Fencing for Agricultural Land – see instructions for Part B